10 Things I Want My Daughter to Know About Working Out

Viva Las Vegas: The journey begins…

“I did not become confident because I lost weight. I lost weight because I became confident.”

I felt that this was an important topic to talk about because some might think that I feel confident because I have lost a lot of weight and better fit in with society’s standards of beauty.  But that’s not the case…

In my opinion, any major self-confidence you gain from purely changing your outer appearance, whether through weight loss or plastic surgery, is superficial and will not be long lasting (a controversial statement, I know).  True sustainable inner confidence comes when you discover who you are, why you behave the way you do, and what makes you special.  Unfortunately, I’ve seen too many women lose weight and then put it back on or get plastic surgery and then find other fixable “flaws” because they never dealt with why they overeat and why they felt the need to take extreme action and “go under the knife”.

Let me explain further with a very personal story:

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Lululemon: Ignore the Jerk!

How can women feel beautiful when the founder of a company that promotes women’s empowerment tells us that “some women’s bodies just actually don’t work”?

My answer? Ignore the jerk!

For those of you who don’t know, “Lululemon Athletica Inc. is facing another legal proceeding in the U.S. related to the controversial recall of its too-sheer black Luon yoga pants.” (The Canadian Press).   Last week, Chip Wilson, the founder, made a statement on Bloomberg TV that the problem has to do with the women wearing the pants, claiming that if your thighs rub together, their pants may not be for you.  He then made a public “apology”, not apologizing to all the women he offended, but to his employees.  YIKES!

As a marketer and former plus-sized woman, I was shocked and offended!  Actually….if I was a size 4 lawyer or teacher or electrician….I still would have been offended.

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